Record set..

Deborah’s target was 24 hours, on Saturday she finished her row at a massive 27 hours. All we have to do now is wait for Concept 2 to verify the data card that was in the machine and Debs will be another Lincoln Rower who holds a World Record!


We would like to thank everyone who supported the event, The Handmade Burger Company, The Hilton for providing somewhere for Deb to be warm over night and the bed and breakfast prize, and especially the passers by who generously made donations.

The money is to be counted and split between Macmillan Caner Support and the Rowing Centre.

World Record this weekend…

This weekend one of our members will be attempting to set a new world record for heavy weight women’s continuous indoor rowing.

Debs has been in training for months and will be aiming for 24 hours sat on a rowing machine. It’s essentially the most intense interval training ever as she only gets 10 minutes an hour to rest.

If you are around the Brayford over the weekend she will be at the Double Tree Hilton from 9AM on Friday (18/4/2014).